Downsizing Discouragement and Living in Hope!

Downsizing Discouragement and Living in Hope!

Our life breathe comes from the heart and hands of a gracious God who connects the gift of life with this invitation: to be co-creators with him. What God is asking is that we invest in ourselves. God wants us to freely fashion our lives into something beautiful for ourselves, and to be a blessing for others.

            Every human life is meant to be lively, not stagnant. As Cardinal Newman frequently remarked, “To change is to grow; to be perfect is to change frequently.” We walk with God’s spirit when we honor the dynamic nature of our being. In this way, we commit ourselves to staying alive and growing continuously.

            Sister Rita asked Timmy, a second grader, “Can you tell me who made you?”  After a moment of silence, Timmy looked up at Sister and replied, “God made a part of me.” Intrigued by this unexpected response, Sister Rita continued the conversation.

            She asked, “Timmy, what do you mean, God made a part of you?”  Timmy said, “Well God made me little and I grew the rest myself.” The moral of this short story is that “growing the rest” is a lifelong task for all of us, with God’s continued involvement.

            Human beings are created incomplete. It is our life’s vocation to collaborate with our creator in fulfilling the divine potential in each of us. After all, we believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God – our sacred underneath!                                                                                          

            A blessing is anything that enters the center of our lives and expands our capacity to resemble God’s love, compassion, and goodness.  This blessing may not be painless, but it will always bring spiritual growth.

            Although our journey through life may be difficult, we are dearly loved by a God who promises that no matter how we struggle and suffer, in the end, all will be well. We don’t have to be afraid, because we are precious in God’s eyes, and are meant to enjoy happiness with God. The bottom line, according to Jesus, is that “our sorrow will turn to joy!”

It is never too late to become who you might have been!


Loving our neighbor is easier than we think! Try it!

Loving our neighbor is easier than we think! Try it!

We Resist Departing Earth, for We Always Need to Finish Something!

We Resist Departing Earth, for We Always Need to Finish Something!