Beauty is God's Handwriting

What the images on the blog mean to us..

"Each scene is a free gift from Our Creator.  Like Him, these photographic opportunities are infinite, because they never stop coming.   Each photo brings me to a charmed place overwhelming me with gratitude."

Beautiful, colorful sunsets are the perfect way to end the day.  This is especially true if our day was “one of those days” needing a pick me up.  God knows this and that’s why He made sunsets so spectacularly.  We want to bask in its beauty forever by holding on to it with a selfie, or multiple snap-shots.  We simply have to capture this radiant beauty for a later moment.

As G. K. Chesterton wrote--that after the first sunset:  God said everyday “Do it again” to the sun and every night “Do it again” to the moon.  God knew how much we would love them both.  God delights in making us happy. And Beauty is God’s most mesmerizing gift.

Beauty ranges from the tiny wing flutter of a Monarch butterfly to the overwhelming lure of the depth and breadth of the Grand Canyon.  God knows we need diversions from the routine and repetitiveness of daily life, which at times. at times. can be dull and ugly.

Beauty is God’s never ending slide show of scenery, delight, color, sparkle, dazzle, and more.  This is why God’s beauty is a part of my blog's reflections. My photos are the beauty I see on my daily walks around my neighborhood, my trips home to visit family and friends, or the many surprising wonder that crosses my path.

These photos lift me from my routine and for a moment absorb and swallow me.  They raise me to a place of amazement, inviting me to utter  profound thanks to God.

Each scene is a free gift from Our Creator.  Like Him, these photographic opportunities are infinite, because they never stop coming.   Each photo brings me to a charmed place overwhelming me with gratitude.

Yes indeed, beauty pierces our often-enclosed lives, showering us with what we need at any given moment.  Beauty is but God’s grace, transforming us, changing our attitude, and always showing us another pathway.

My blog provides beauty also.  It paints  pictures of God’s love and mercy, but above all His dreams for each of us.  These posted reflections want us to remember that no matter who we are, or what we do, whether as a solitary teacher in a one room school-house on a tiny island, or as a president of a large prosperous country, God is near through His Son and Our Savior Jesus Christ.  He walks with us as friend, coaxing us along, healing us when we need it, and always showing the astonishing ways God embraces us through the grandeurs of creation!

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote this about the power of beauty: 

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful;

for beauty is God’s handwriting—a wayside sacrament.

Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower,

and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.”

As readers, please enjoy these reflections posted on  We hope they titillate your thirst for beauty, as we all thank God for it as a cup of blessing.

Richard R. DeLillio, OSFS