Advent is a Time When God’s Work Mingles with That of Creation’s Work!

Advent is a Time When God’s Work Mingles with That of Creation’s Work!

What are we celebrating during Advent that is so different? It is the astonishing fact that God, who is all-powerful, freely relinquishes his greatness and power to become a part of the very creation he himself created.

Remember, God stood far above his creation. However, when he decided to wear creations’ flesh, God bound himself to be like creation for all eternity. Jesus gave up his unique difference to look exactly like his creation in all things but sin.

God made creation out of love and to love. God had everything and needed nothing. Yet, God made the self-changing choice to share what he had with his created. Why? Because he wanted to. It wasn’t to reward them. God had given them plenty when he gave them life and his love.

God gave them his friendship and affection while expecting nothing in return. God simply wanted a positive, simple response from his creation. When one didn’t arise, God waited patiently for he knew they would eventually come around.

What our loving God expects with every gift he gives to his creation is that they use it to make themselves better than they are. God always expects only goodness from those he loves.

Since God had given his creation all they needed to become better than they were already, all he expected in return was gratitude. They would use this gift and any gift given them “for the honor and glory of God.” Why? Because God was their maker and whatever he gave them was to make them better and when they became better, God rejoiced.

Advent is the glorious season that reminds us that God made us and then comes around at Christmas to see how his work is progressing while in our hands. Perhaps the best thing about Advent is the opportunity to measure our life and change our direction if necessary.

The four lighted candles of Advent remind us of our lighted Baptismal candle given to our parents and godparents and how it blends with the flames of Advent’s four big candles. Thus, God’s work is blended with our work. Together God gets to see how our work of completing what he started is moving along.

“And the word was made flesh, and dwells among us.” As believers, each Advent provides the time for us to prepare for Christ’s coming on Christmas morning. Christmas is the big day when Jesus Christ meets us in a specific time and place, and his words are the same: increase your love for one another. For Jesus, that would be the same love that he shared with us while he walked the earth.

Christmas, Easter, God’s life, and our story are all connected. It’s all attached to the little light given to us at our Baptism.

“O Come O Come Emmanuel, And Ransom Captive Israel”

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