Is Jesus Christ the Son of God or not?

Is Jesus Christ the Son of God or not?

As we enter the final days of Lent, this question may need a review.  Before delving too deeply, let’s see what Jesus’ father has to say on this issue. God doesn’t hold press conferences but does speak out on a few occasions.

When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan, Matthew’s gospel records that heavens opened and a voice came down saying, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”  (Matthew.3:16-17)

Later on Mount Tabor with Peter, James, and John a transfigured Jesus stood with Moses and Elijah, and God’s voice came from the clouds declaring, “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” (Mark 9:7-8)

And close to the time of Jesus’ passion Jesus asks his father, “Father, glorify your name.” Suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” Jesus then said to the crowd .  “This voice did not come for my sake but for yours.” Jesus is addressing a defiant audience. (John 12:27-28)

During each of these responses, God is claiming Jesus as his incarnate son, sent to reunite creation with their creator, and restore their original destiny – eternity in heaven. Our salvation includes God’s incarnate son removing original sin’s stain, opening heaven’s doors and welcoming creation home after earthly lives end. 

I recently attended a business gathering of Christian professionals discussing contemporary leadership.  In this dialogue Jesus was appreciated as “a good person, a prophet, a nice guy, but not necessarily “the son of God and Messiah.” 

However, when they mentioned political leaders from both sides of the political spectrum, voices rose, tempers flared, and each person vehemently defended his or her favorite politician.  Yet, while Jesus is revered, he is not held with the same vigor, intensity, or passion as these defended national leaders. Jesus is not even a close second.

What a pity.  Aren’t Jesus’ credentials more lasting possessing long-term guarantees while national leaders come and go as does their message?  Lent’s message states clearly  the “Jesus difference.” Salvation is why we are here on this earth and Jesus brought it to us.

Reminding us of our final destiny Jesus is the only leader God finds time to endorse from a   cloud. God’s message is brief each time he speaks, but important: “This is my beloved son. I insist you listen to him.” 

After Jesus’ Resurrection Why did He have trouble convincing His Apostles that He was the same person?

After Jesus’ Resurrection Why did He have trouble convincing His Apostles that He was the same person?

On the cross, Jesus said: “It is Finished.” What did he mean?

On the cross, Jesus said: “It is Finished.” What did he mean?