Nothing feels Better Than a Fresh Start!
Even a casual reading of the Bible shows us how compassionate the Lord is to all His created beings. This is because the Lord loves us so much. Why does he love us so much even when we are so fickle in returning that love? It is simple. He remembers why He made us -to be His “Best Friend Forever.” And God keeps His bargain and stays faithful even when we are not.
When we cross the line and do something, which is absolutely contrary to His love, The Lord instead remembers that He made us for friendship, and wants us around Him and He wants us to be with Him.
Even when we act like the prodigal son who told his father “I’m leaving and I don’t want to see you anymore,” and then added--“I am going faraway and never want to step foot on this farm again.” Hurtful as this sounded then and still does today, like the forgiving father in that story, God generously gives us a fresh start.
God’s love is unconditional whichsimply translates as “no matter what.” God is always ready to pour over us the compassion simmering in His heart. God never forgets “we are His people, and He is our God.” There are no if, ands or buts for God when it concerns us. He stands ready to renew and refresh.
God also continually hopes in us, and looks for that special day when we get everything right. He never tires of waiting or stops hoping. If God has fingers, I‘m sure He has His fingers crossed. Like the forgiving father, God waits for even one lost child.
Jesus acted this way waiting for Peter to settle down as the first Pope, or Paul to see the light as the missionary to the Gentiles. Now Jesus waits for each of us when we stray seeking something we think we need, long for a dream that will never occur, or wish for that special something to make us happy. Jesus waits hoping we will finally see that what He offers is all we truly need.
This is why God keeps giving us that fresh start. He waits for us to make the one choice that truly matters, Jesus His son. We still have an opportunity at the next fresh start, embrace Jesus and make God’s day.