Advent is Our “Rescue Mission” Time.

Advent is Our “Rescue Mission” Time.

Advent represents a time to think deeply about the life we share together and why we are still able to share it.  Yet, the Advent season seems to arrive when we are swirling in a pool of disorderliness.

During this Advent, we face the after effects of destructive hurricanes, damaging flooding, devastating fires, threats of war, shooting massacres, racial baiting and other daily distractions that drain our joy and squeeze our attempts to welcome a savior who John the Baptist proclaims is “One mightier than I is coming after me.”

 But the Advent Scriptures still abashedly defy these present challenges with hope-filled voices announcing joyful times: “They will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” Why?  Jesus, the Son of God still wears the power of God which Scriptures relate can overcome the fiercest of adversaries.  “Here is your God; he comes with vindication; with divine recompense he comes to save you.” We hear these words and want to shout back: If this is so, then fix this crazy world that prays to be better than it is.

The Lord may easily respond, “I did. On a Christmas morning long ago, I came to this earth, left a detailed plan, died to free you, rose from the dead, and then left it in your care.”  He adds, “Now you fix it and I’ll help.”

Jesus says when we were baptized, He provided each of us a share of his power and might. Throughout our lifetime we accept Christ’s power. It is a blend of the Holy Spirit’s fiery strength, the memory of Christ’s love, and our gratitude for all Christ gave us.

Advent reminds us that this "rescue mission," Christ began centuries ago, is now our mission.  We have within our hearts all we need  to dissipate the chaos  we see.  Of course, Jesus knows we can’t do it all alone, but bonding with others “all things are possible.” Yet we can only do what we can. But if we all did what we can much can be accomplished.  This is especially true when it comes to erasing hatred, fear, and the sidelining of peoples.

Instead of looking to Christ to fix our world, we can vitalize Christ’s power within us.  “They will meet with joy and gladness; sorrow and mourning will flee

And joined with him we can help complete redemption and expand his kingdom where we live – a Christmas gift Jesus certainly welcomes.

            “They will meet with joy and gladness; sorrow and mourning will flee”


When Jesus became Incarnate, He truly did become human.

When Jesus became Incarnate, He truly did become human.

God’s Advent Calling is About Letting Go!

God’s Advent Calling is About Letting Go!