As God’s Plan Takes Shape: More People Are Involved!

As God’s Plan Takes Shape: More People Are Involved!

It was Jesus’ brilliance that left behind not only his words, but the memory of his deeds with the disciples. Then, before leaving them, Jesus directed the Holy Spirit to help his disciples recall, and to retain his teachings.  The Holy Spirit would then support them, inspire them, and always guide them when the way seemed unclear or lost.

The Holy Spirit, often portrayed as the wind, is a most appropriate metaphor. Why? Wind itself is invisible. We see the wind only in relation to its effect on other objects, e.g., we usually feel the wind’s presence as it rushes around us.

We know the ways that the Holy Spirit operates are simple ways. For example, when we feel drained and bewildered the Holy Spirit moves us along and keeps us from getting stuck. Or when we can’t solve a perplexing, personal problem, the Holy Spirit lifts us up allowing light on the situation.  And when we struggle with a specific painful situation, the Holy Spirit sends the soothing balm we need. No matter where our journey roams the Holy Spirit is with us.

As we know, on our life’s journey we may easily find our pathway blocked by every size rock slowing or blocking our way.  We can’t move these boulders ourselves.  It is then we pause, and open our hearts saying “Come, Holy Spirit, Come. Help me to remove this obstacle that blocks my path.”  The Holy Spirit can then dislodge and free us.        

We can also pray: “Come Holy Spirit take away the stones from my heart, and give me a heart of flesh to love, serve, and delight in the many graces that daily come our way in each moment.”

While we work constantly to find ways to control our life better, to author our own destinies, the reality around us can tie us in knots.  Even with faith, we still want to control and limit God, bending God to do what we want without listening to what God wants or what God can do with us. But the Holy Spirit whispers to us: “It’s really about God.”

When Mary visited Elizabeth, the Holy Spirit’s presence helped each understand the meaning of their pregnancies. Mary, the younger woman, greets Elizabeth. Mary has much to tell the older woman and friend, because she trusts and admires her. For Elizabeth, the future is reborn and prophetically foretells Mary’s future: “How is it that the mother of my God should come to me?”  In this younger meeting older, they embrace and awaken the best in each. Mary says: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your Word.”

It is a miracle brought about by the culture of encounter, where no one is rejected but all are sought out to seek God’s will.  As soon as Mary and Elizabeth can talk privately, they quietly disappear arm in arm, while God and the Holy Spirit certainly hover nearby and work wonders to strengthen each for the huge task that awaits them.

The Holy Spirit impels them to share everything, especially their joys and fears. For they know that their trust in God’s will to get them through. Mary’s journey to remain a while with Elizabeth tells us that Christ, stirring in Mary’s womb, desires to be among his creation.   

Pentecost was a time when each disciple was marked with his or her personal flame. And if the gospel is to spread to the ends of the earth, we need to find our flame to be the fuel for us to follow God’s will. The personal gift of the Spirit does not mean that everyone’s gift is alike. God doesn’t want our gifts mixed in a big pot like ground sausage. 

Our gifts are diverse and need to be if we are to spread God’s kingdom. Some gifts are immediately seen, and others are hidden.  We can say that the church community is impoverished when an individual with wonderful gifts fails to share them.

We, who live today, are Jesus’ contemporary disciples.  And while we may stumble in our efforts to follow him, we are exactly who Jesus is looking for and wants.  We are the ones he loves. If we would only listen and obey, minding what is ours to mind and leave the rest to Christ.

As we ponder all this, we know we can’t go back and start over again. But we can from this moment forward work to change our ending.  And what the rest of the world calls an ending, a caterpillar calls a butterfly!  

Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the earth!

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