Jesus is always Our Light in this World!

Jesus is always Our Light in this World!


At last, it's spring and the days of brilliant and welcome sunlight are among it’s greatest gifts. Light always helps everyone see better. In fact, light reveals the potholes in our roads as well as life’s pitfalls. Yes indeed, light truly helps every one of us avoid stumbling. Jesus, who calls Himself the Light of the World, helps those around Him to see things they may not necessarily notice. He not only points out hatred and indifference, but also points us in the direction of needed change and lasting hope. Jesus’ light is indeed more brilliant than any spring sunshine.

Every Easter season supplies us with opportunities to see “more clearly and walk more nearly” in the light of Jesus. Jesus rose from the tomb’s shadows to keep the darkness away.

Now, He asks us to challenge any darkness that holds us back from caring for others. During this spring, leave darkness behind and bask in the dazzling courage that Jesus’ amazing grace provides.

As we move into the warmth of spring, we pray that the friendship of the Savior steady our steps and that these words of St. Francis de Sales mold our confidence:

One cannot do anything with a heart that is vain and full of itself. It is of no use, either to itself or others.”

And further, as John notes in his Gospel: For everyone who does wicked things, hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God. (John 3:20-21)

Instead, let Easter fill our hearts with the hope and joy of Christ’s presence, so that His light may always shine on the beauty in our everyday lives, no matter what the season. Happy Easter! For the Lord is Risen still!


We all like Happy Endings

We all like Happy Endings

If we ask for a sign, we have to follow it!

If we ask for a sign, we have to follow it!