Jesus Is the One Voice that Matters!

Jesus Is the One Voice that Matters!

At Jesus’ baptism, his father proclaimed Jesus’ presence in the known world with excitement and enthusiasm. St. Mark captures this eagerness with these words: “…the heavens were torn apart.” It is as if God could hold back no longer, wanting his creation to be as thrilled as he was with his son’s human presence.

With Jesus’ birth, God’s plan to redeem his chosen people who strayed far outside his dream, is now in place. His plan was simple. Jesus would show creation through his preaching and teaching how to live on this earth to achieve their final destiny. All that God’s creation had to do was simply to listen to his son, whom God loved dearly, and follow.

God thought creation would love his son as deeply and sincerely as he did. How could they not? After all, Jesus is fully human and will giving them all the mercy and love they need.

God knew that Jesus would demonstrate through his words and ultimately through his deeds what he would endure to prove his father’s endless love for his creation. God was sure Jesus could make his plan work. And out of sheer gratitude, God believed creation will love Jesus above all others on the earth. No one will ever take Jesus’ place in their hearts.

Many do love the Lord gratefully and follow him when the road is smooth and easygoing, as well as when the hills are too steep to climb. They feel safe because Jesus is near and will always show the right pathway.

However, others don’t trust Jesus because he doesn’t give them everything they want and believe they need to be happy. They begin listening to other voices teaching a variety of quicker ways to get through life. These “other” voices don’t tell them to love others, help their neighbors, or share their gifts with those less fortunate.

These voices tell them they are number one and much better than others. They follow the rule that what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine. Why? It’s simple, because they believe I ‘m better and more deserving.

In these situations, Jesus’ voice becomes dimmer, and the other voices louder. They justify these new voices, because they slowly believe that they are better and are entitled to these “treasures” because of birth, gender, or rank.

However, Jesus’ road to a happier life is having peace of mind by doing the right thing in every situation. It is by realizing that God creates everyone equally and with the ability to gain heaven as a reward.

But before we do, Jesus gives a few hints of what he wants us to do while on earth: love God and love your neighbor; feed the hungry; clothe the naked; give water to the thirsty; and when you do these things for the least, you do them for me.

Jesus believes in us, loves us, and is willing to face death to gain our eternal happiness. Jesus’ voice encourages us to be faithful and trusting, because he is our faithful adopted brother who never walks away from us. He always stays near, ready to shower his mercy and graciously give us another chance. No other voice in our world is that generous and faithful. None!

Why not take a chance? As God the father says, “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” And listen only to voices that sound like Jesus. After all, Jesus is willing to risk everything for us. Can we not risk a little in appreciation?

“This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him. Please!”

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