A Moment From De Sales

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The Most Delicious Food

On a recent Sunday in a nearby parish, I was busy distributing Eucharist to a long line of eager worshippers. A mother approached with a little girl squirming in her arms. As I gave her mother Communion, I blessed the child. When she realized I wasn't giving her Eucharist she yelled:

"I want a cookie too!" I smiled but she was in tears. She wanted Jesus. In her eyes, Jesus was good and sweet.

May is a month filled with First Communions. Children come forward for the first time to taste Jesus. They hear the familiar words "Body of Christ" and with a shyness filled with joy they respond, "Amen."

Then Jesus, our God and Savior, comes into their hearts and lives in a new way. Hopefully, Jesus will be a "Cookie" for them; someone who brings goodness and sweetness.

Into our lives Jesus comes to nourish and to feed. He brings strength for weakened moments; sweetness for our stale times and delight for joyous days. Jesus is the delicious and fresh love of God. No wonder the little child filled with tears. How could any of us live without the Eucharist?

St. Francis de Sales loved the Eucharist. He saw it as "dew from heaven," a delicious food which consoles us in troubles and strengthens us in our weakness. For Francis, Eucharist makes our lives sweet and good. He wrote:

"Our hearts, no matter how frail and weak, are preserved from sin when conserved with the sugar and honey of the body of the Son of God.

A Reading from the Gospel of John 6:51

“I myself am the living bread come down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread he shall live forever, the bread I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”