Keeping Christ’s Peace In The Days of 2014 !
When we begin anything new, we are naturally fearful. We probably feel this way going into this new year. We want 2014 to be the year we fix things that need our attention e.g. mending a broken relationship or getting rid of indifference which keeps us from moving forward. Why are we afraid? Probably because we feel we won’t succeed or we will simply fail again. From His own personal experiences, Christ certainly knew about crippling fear. Why do we think Jesus prayed so often to His Father, or went off to be alone with his inner tensions, or surrounded himself with people he loved like His Mother ?
Jesus needed to feel the warmth of those He trusted and be comforted by their love. At these times we see how Jesus, though divine, knew how to be thoroughly human. He longed for what we want when frightened- Peace! And isn’t peace the gift Jesus came to give? This gift is simply believing and trusting in God’s commitment to stay near us and with us.
If we can hold on to this very basic understanding of what brings peace, and keep it before us everyday in this new year, we can “take heart” and “not be afraid.” St. Francis de Sales gives a prayer to help.
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for the same everlasting Lord who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and everyday. Either he will shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to sustain it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.”
With these words coming from our hearts , we can replace the crippling hold of fear with the soothing gift of Peace.