I want to offer my friends who join me on my blog something extra which I hope you will all enjoy. I presented a talk on living a "Healthy Spirituality" in the Diocese of Broken Bay, New South Wales, Australia. If you are a reader of livetodaywell.org, you will recognize many insights from the stories and vignettes found on this website. My friend David Patterson directs the Adult Faith Formation Program and has made the talk available on You Tube. the video has been posted below for anyone who wants to hear it, and recommend it to their friends. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity, and let me know what you think. Take care and thanks for joining me on livetodaywell.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vuyMmq13Vmo
'Be who you are and be that well as a witness to the master craftsman who created you.'