Yahweh paves the path that Jesus shows his followers to trod.
Over the next few weeks our daily Scriptures feature Yahweh’s encounter with Abraham and Sarah. This is God’s second public attempt to establish a special relationship with creation. We remember Adam and Eve’s relationship with Yahweh. They had everything needed, and Yahweh’s fondness was evident in their daily evening walks as they became acquainted in the evening’s coolness. How God loved his creation and accepted their love in return!
Soon Adam and Eve found God not enough and looked for ways to fill their mounting emptiness. Egged on by the serpent, they ate the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Surely this will satisfy us, they thought.
Instead, God saw this action as a betrayal and banished them to the East of Eden. Then Yahweh hid his face. However, the embers of God’s love kept its warm glow. God missed his creation. And God choose to form another special relationship.
This time God chose Abraham and Sarah for this special relationship. From the start, this couple were the opposite of Eve and Adam. Yahweh made them promises seemingly impossible to fulfill. God blessed this childless elderly couple promising them a great nation bursting with descendants.
Wide-eyed and wondering, the amazed couple tried to explain their situation. Afterwards, Yahweh affirmed his promises of land and descendants with a life defining covenant. Yahweh said “Between you and me I will establish my covenant.” Unlike Adam and Eve’s, this covenant included promises, rituals, and responsibilities. From his garden experience, Yahweh learned that loving unconditionally needs mercy and new beginnings.
What did Sarah and Abraham take home from this encounter with Yahweh? Something for all believers then and now. Commitment to this covenant, unlike Eve and Adam’s, requires faithfulness. How would they do this? First by believing in Yahweh’s message and blessing over them. Next to trust in his word and promises in the good times, and in challenging times. Yahweh is always near, and his promises will happen.
Their gratitude for God’s love is simple: belief in the covenant and trust in its agreements. Together they spell faithfulness. When Jesus came as his father’s word incarnate, he asked the same from creation. Believe Jesus’ message as the way to the Father, and trust in his promises of mercy and an eternal home in heaven. Living a life of believing and trusting assures faithfulness which Jesus rewards with salvation.