A Moment From De Sales

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Why does Jesus love Cheerful Givers?

One day while Jesus sat teaching his disciples near the Temple Treasury, he observed a poor widow drop her offering. She only offered God two small copper coins. Jesus immediately pointed out that this widow had no real source of income, because her husband’s death left her almost penniless.

Yet this widow quietly dropped these two coins in the Temple collection containers. Then Jesus noted the well-dressed wealthy who walked by these same containers and, with great fanfare, dropping in many coins. Jesus Remarked to his disciples that there was a huge unseen difference in these two offerings.

The widow gave everything she had. She had nothing left. While the wealthy donors who had much more to spare, they offered God far less than this widow. Why? Jesus explained. It is not the amount that matters, but the sacrifice of your gift. As a result, the widow’s smaller gift was greater than the larger wealthy givers. They gave from their abundance. This poor widow donated from what she needed to make ends meet.

Some might think it was foolish for the widow to give everything. However, Jesus is making this point. The amount means little, but the gratitude and love flowing from our hearts to our creator’s counts far more. It is widow’s silent love that spoke much louder than the wealthy donors’ clanging coins. If gratefulness is missing, then all offerings ring hollow. Jesus spoke this maxim: “To whom much is given much will be exacted”

Many people might think it foolish for the widow to give all she possessed. However, Jesus taught that because the widow fed the prophet Ezekiel with everything she had, Jesus’ father provided for the poor widow and her son (1 Kings 17:15-16). Jesus may also be subtly drawing attention to the system that still causes the widow’s condition today.

Jesus is teaching all followers to the consider the why of our actions more than the act itself. His father created us for love and hopes all our actions show that love. Therefore, Jesus loves cheerful givers because God, his father, is our most cheerful giver.

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