A Moment From De Sales

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Why is God so patient with us?

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Have we ever stopped to count how often we wait for something and get so impatient because it takes too long?  How about those other times when our impatience dissolves into frustration and anger?  If you’re like most waiting folks, waiting is not one of your strong points!

 If we fall into this category, maybe we need to consider how many times we make Jesus wait for us. How about the times Jesus waits for us to break a bad habit, deepen our prayer life, make our lives better, ask for His help, or use our gifts in a way that makes the lives of those around us more loving?

 Why is Jesus so patient and we are not?  Jesus waits patiently because Jesus loves us too much to ever get discouraged or give up on us.  He remains steadfast, because He hopes that we too will joyously grasp His dream for us and then choose to follow that path.

 Jesus continuously gazes at the divine spark glistening within us, our sacred underneath, His resemblance staring back at Him.  It is the proof that we belong to Him.

 This resemblance reminds Him that His Father created and adopted us.  And we can become the person God created us to be.  Jesus believes strongly, that we will like this person because God already loves and claims us for His divine household.

 What God wants is for each creature created to catch up to the expectations God has set for each person.  More importantly, Jesus hopes we get so excited at His Father’s expectations for us that with His amazing grace we can do it. Even in our most stubborn moments, God’s grace can still overcome any barriers. Jesus reminds us: “My grace is sufficient for you.”

 After considering God’s faith and trust in us, we need to promise Him not to give up on ourselves.  Difficult as that may be, we remember that God, Our Father, loves us the same whether we make progress this day or not.  God has His heart set on our whole picture and eagerly waits for our total portrait to surface.

 This is why it’s good to keep moving forward with hope in our heart and never hopelessness. Jesus remains at our side cheering. 

And always be who you are and be that perfectly well as a testament to the master craftsman who created you.

- St. Francis deSales