A Moment From De Sales

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Give Your World a Little Kindness.

Our world today can sure use a huge batch of kindness,” remarked Uncle Frank aged 93. He said, “Everybody yells, shouts or makes nasty comments. I think people have memory loss when they have to say things nice and flattering.”

 Uncle Frank can’t hear much these days, but what he’s hearing he’s not liking at all.  In grade school, Sr. Basiliana always said the same thing when she heard any student say mean things: “Never underestimate the power of a kind word.

 On the front blackboard she had posted: A kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring seem like small acts of caring, but these little gestures can move giant mountains.

 A simple thank you, please, I liked it, or that was great can instantly change tears into smiles and help fade anger into grins. And it is so easy to do. Mother Teresa said: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”  What so many people say is never underestimate the power of kindness in any shape or form.  It is precious and priceless.

 Any of the above expressions says what we all believe ourselves, but why do so many prefer to pollute the atmosphere with shouts, raised voices, stamping feet or to get things done.  

 Instead we can stop, look into the eyes of the other person and see a person like ourselves and gently state what we wish, laying out how they can help get it done in a moderate, kind voice. This avoids anger and resentment which raises temperatures and rarely changes hearts.

We all become fragile and cranky at times. And  if pushed become mean and bully-like. Yet, even in these times, we never should underestimate the power of a kind word. As Francis de Sales says, “If we must err, do so on the side of gentleness.”  Uncle Frank would gladly welcome the language change.