A Moment From De Sales

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Jesus desires trust when we understand and even when we don’t!

This following is a previous blog entry that I wanted to share with you this week. Please remember you can share your thoughts and comments with me at livingintheholy@gmail.com. Simply click on the link or if the link does not work, copy and paste the email address into your email program. Blessings, Fr. DeLillio.

Joe had no reason to feel listless.  He simply felt anxious and lacked his normal everyday enthusiasm for life and his faith.  He asked, “Why does this happen?  I can feel so good one minute and suddenly sink into a mood that drains me of all my joy?”

Joe’s right. We all experience these times and we just don’t know why.  And then there are the times when we know what drops us into the pits of anguish – usually involving something that rattles our faith.  In both of these situations, Jesus preaches to us to trust in His promises – when we have concrete reasons to waiver in trusting Him or when we are lethargic in our faith for no good reason.

 Why trust?  Jesus pledged to be always there whether the sun has a brilliant glow in our lives or hides behind a dark cloud.  Jesus wants us to cling to the truth that He has our back!

 Jesus’ nearness is difficult to fathom because we can’t see it.  We simply have to rest assured that Jesus means what He says, that He is always working for our good. 

Take Jeff for example, he was inundated with grief when his twin brother suffered greatly from an unknown, debilitating illness that put him at death’s door. It shook his faith.  “Why my brother?” Jeff asked.  Then suddenly his brother moved through his pain and soon was his old self.  Jeff now enjoys a better understanding of Jesus’ nearness.  Whether in darkness or in brilliant light, Jesus is helping to find the best ending possible.  Jeff believes this more than ever.

Sabra was delighted when she received news of the birth of her first grandson.  This quickly turned to apprehension when word arrived that his breathing was precarious and weakening.  They prayed to Jesus even though they could not see Him, but they knew He was nearby.  Then, good news arrived. Little William suddenly was breathing on his own.  While Sabra never wavered about Jesus' presence, she now understands it in a deeper way that Jesus means it when He says, “I am with you always.”

 In the moments when we can or cannot understand why bad things happen, remember this: have confidence in Jesus, for the tree of His cross blooms forth fruit in every season of our lives.

Jesus is always faithful to us and He loves it when we are faithful to him.