God Always Sees His Reflection When He Sees Us. Why?
God made us in his image and likeness and when he looks at us, God always sees his reflection deep within. Remember the woman who interrupted Jesus’ dinner at the home of the Pharisee, Simon. She washed Jesus’ feet with her tears drying them with her hair.
When Simon looked at her, he saw a sinner, but Jesus saw much more. Jesus knew that she was a person struggling to do the right thing, yet her circumstances, were too much. And any goodness in her just went dark.
Jesus seeing that same reflection in Simon said: “I tell you that her many sins are forgiven, because she showed great love…” Then Jesus said to her: “Your sins are forgiven.” This incident shows how Jesus loves unconditionally. Like the Father’s love, Jesus’ love has mercy attached. And when Jesus saw that glimmer of the woman’s goodness, his father’s image and likeness, Jesus responded with words of salvation: “Your sins are forgiven.”
Jesus’ action shows how God responds. God sees his image in every person and measures us, not by our last downfall, but by our goodness within. God perceives our nobility gained from our Baptism and responds with the words: “I love you!”
Henry Nouwen, a popular spiritual writer, wrote: God chose us first, with an everlasting love, a love that existed from all eternity and will last through all eternity,
It is the same love that forgave Peter from his hurtful sin of denial, allowing him to become the first pope. This same love freed Dismas, hanging on the cross, next to Jesus with the words: “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”
My example of this love is my grandmother’s. When I was a young boy, playing in the playground across the street from her house, I would invite my equally sweaty and smelly friends to her house for a cool drink. As soon as we entered her kitchen, spotting me, grandma rushed over, and despite the dampness and smell, wrapped her arms around me saying, “You’re my handsome grandson!” (In Italian of course). Then she pinched my cheeks embarrassing me before my friends. Yet, I know now that she was showering me with the same God-like unconditional love.
My grandma only saw her grandson through all the sour fragrance and damp perspiration. Through her hugs, she saw the same nobility God sees in all his adopted children: his resemblance!
No one God created is a mistake or an accident. If you’re not a mistake or an accident, then neither is anyone else!