Jesus makes all his followers rich.
Have you ever thought what big a deal it is that Jesus calls us to follow him? When Jesus invites us, he must rid us of the original sin our parents’ left behind. This is something Jesus does without costing us.
What’s even more remarkable is that Jesus does this without counting the considerable personal suffering this was going to cost Him. Why did Jesus do it so willingly? Because Jesus loved his Father, He was willing to give his life to settle the breach that occurred between us and His Father. Jesus knew how much the Father wanted this to end.
Although Jesus had nothing at all to do with this rupture, he offered to help his Father and heal the break. Every one of Adam and Eve’s descendants benefited from Jesus’ sacrifice.
To receive the benefits of this sacrifice, we simply accept Jesus as our savior, believe in his promises, and lead lives of lasting appreciation. Our faithfulness shows our gratitude by showing everyone we meet that Jesus, the Son of God, stripped himself of his power and glory for our sake. Jesus’ wonderful act allows us, through our baptism, to share in His glory and bask eternally in his treasures.
Nothing we can ever achieve on this earth in our lifetime, no matter how many years we live, can ever achieve this accomplishment. Yet it is ours freely given. All we need do is resemble Jesus in all we say and do – and heaven is ours.
This alone is a superb reason to celebrate this Thanksgiving and every Thanksgiving. Adding gratitude for our own personal gifts which, are also God given, further humbles us before such a gracious and generous God. Yahweh is the truly the sun that shines constantly behind every darkness we meet in our lifetime.
To my faithful readers, I wish a
Happy Thanksgiving.