A Moment From De Sales

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Do This in Memory of Me…

While all God’s words give nourishment, Jesus’ arrival as the Incarnate Word, the son of God, gives believers added assurance.  Receiving Eucharist, followers know they are heading for their correct destiny.  Adam and Eve learned that lesson when they told God he was not enough as they chose to eat the forbidden fruit.  After this betrayal, God banished them from the garden.

 The feast of the Body and Blood of Christ proclaims for all of Jesus’ followers that the true way to heaven is through nourishment gained from Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. This truth begins with our children’s First Communion, and continues with every eucharist received throughout life’s journey.

 It doesn’t matter where we live or what language we speak.  The identical Incarnate Son of God is received by Catholics everywhere.  The same words herald his presence, “The Body of Christ,” and with bowed heads all recipients answer, “Amen.”

 Eucharist, Jesus’ body and blood, makes sisters and brothers of us all.  The place may be a peace-filled country or a war-torn island.  Each receives the same loving and compassionate prince of peace, the same son of God, and the same savior of the world.

 Worshippers, kneeling before the altar, gaze upon the separated bread and wine which is the offering.  This separation reminds believers of the heavy price Jesus paid for their salvation. Although a Eucharistic banquet is set before them, so is its enduring costs.

 These words declare that truth, “Behold the lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world, blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb.”  Again, the spoken “Amen” at reception reminds you and me and every Christian, that accepting sacrifice and suffering are parts of living just as Jesus did.

 Judy, a tenth grader, asked her religion teacher this question: “At Mass, when Father holds up the Eucharist and says, ‘Do this in memory of me’ what is the this he means?”  The teacher replied, “He means what we are doing right now.”  Then she added: “It can be a joyous event or a difficult moment, but we do it because it’s what life is asking us to do right now.”  Pausing to let these words sink in, she said, “Jesus did what was asked of him and Jesus will help us do what is asked of us.  That’s why we receive the Eucharist, to be like Jesus.”  That says it all for every follower of Jesus!”  Smiling she looked at Judy saying, “And Judy that can make you a saint!”

 Great words for all believers to hear.