A Chip off the Old Block
Whenever a newborn arrives in a family, it doesn’t take long before the comparisons begin. “He has his mother’s eyes.” Or “Look! She smiles just like Grandpop?” We might even hear “She has Aunt Jenny’s chin.” Everybody has an opinion when it comes to this sleepy baby. What they are saying about the baby is that it belongs in the family. You can just tell by looking at him or her. This new born infant is a “chip off the old block.” In John’s Gospel Chapter 14, Jesus says in so many words, “I too am a chip off the old block” He told his disciples “If you know me then you will also know my Father” and “whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Jesus doesn’t mean his chin or his smile or even the color of his hair, but he is saying: “If you watch what I do, you can know the Father; if you listen to what I say you can know the Father.”
In all His interactions with us, Jesus is definitely “a chip off the old block.”. When he heals the sick, debates the Pharisees , bows down to wash the feet of His disciples or cooks fish for his disciples, Jesus , the Word made flesh, speaks and acts like His Father.
Jesus has taken away the mysterious face of God, and given us an image of a loving, merciful and caring Father. it is true: If you know me then you will also know my Father” and “whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” And then we see that Jesus and His Father are one. Jesus is definitely “a chip off the old block.”